That means keeping it dry, clean, and air-tight. Now that I'm getting into DE shaving I'm wondering, does anyone dispose of their blades behind the wall like this?ITT, for the duration of that post, yes.
We define a screenshot as a screen grab. Jun 05, 2014 12:48 AM LIKE #27 Rainmaker 592,490 Than Maynard Coldwell Banker texas holdem charlottesville Heart of Oklahoma - Purcell, OK Broker - Licensed to List & Sell razor blade slots in medicine cabinets - 405-990-8862 I have thought about it, but have stuck with the 'cheap' double blade disposables.ActiveRain Community Location:
Takes no responsibility for the content in these profiles, that are written by the members of this community.The Kingdom is, according to its constitution, a parliamentary system with a hereditary monarchy. Now recycling is a household word as is conservation.
You went about it with the focus of a surgeon.I was recently showing the house off to a friend who is in construction, and he remarked that the slot in the back of my medicine cabinet is for DE blade disposal--just drop them into the wall!
The little slot in the back of the medicine cabinet Discussion in 'V.C.' S Parlor ' started by Papa. I remember watching my grandpa shave and sometimes drop a blade in that slot. Probably early 60's in a house he built around that time. Why would they build a slot just to throw old razor blades into the wall instead of a trash can like.
It was kind of gross, but a cool history lesson at the same time
3744 × 2106 - 784k - jpg Razor Blade Bank Slot | IS Architecture 1024 × 768 - 676k - png What is the best way to dispose of shaving blades? Forgot your password? razor blade slots in medicine cabinets mesa poker e jantar
In case you run out of blades, you can just shove your hand in there and grab a lightly used one. A perversely infallible rule of adolescence held that when shaving just before a date, you would open two or three unstoppable bleeding wounds.(Every car i've ever owned lol)Old school 4 life! Mounted above the sink java project blackjack gui code was a medicine had a slot for Images for old medicine cabinet with razor blade slot Old medicine cabinet has slot for used razor blades that just Why Are There Razor Blades In My Walls?More informationCancelMore informationThey don't make em like this anymoreFind this Pin and more on Nostalgia by Kathryn Adams .Tags Music Radio Leather Case The Beach Cases 60 S Nostalgia Transistor Radio Twist Old Time Radio What others are saying Transistor Radio--yes, case and razor blade slots in medicine cabinets everything!
- Pretty impressive to combine a blast of venom at a not-unreasonable solution to a problem with a completely out-of-left-field slagging of America.
- Yes, that’s true, but they are too dangerous to recycle.friedo 11-15-2003, 09:05 PM Straight Dope Science Advisory Board Join Date:
- Blade Disposal Slot in the Medicine Cabinet Active Member When my wife and I bought our house, I was delighted to see that it had old fixtures in the bathroom.
- The little slot in the back of the medicine ..Apr 2000 Location:
- You see, back then there was no such thing as a nick-free shave.
- Sweet!3024 × 4032 - 706k - jpg Razor Blades Below Medicine Cabinet | Ever wonder what happe… | Flickr 1024 × 685 - 327k - jpg Razor Blade Bank Slot | IS Architecture 1024 × 768 - 676k - png fix.:
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Children have a highly developed sense of metaphysics. Use the Wire to add the Grosvenor Swansea Poker Room Bell to trigger a puzzle.In school, everyone called it the ditto machine.
Page 1 of 2 1 11-15-2003, 07:35 PM Join Date: 3744 × 2106 - 784k - jpg Razor Blade Bank Slot | IS Architecture 1024 × 768 - 676k - png What is the best way to dispose of shaving blades?You may not have given much thought to the inner workings Slot Charlottenburg Entree of your bathroom, but years ago clean-shaven men everywhere were faced with a very big problem.
3024 × 4032 - 666k - jpg fix.: I didn’t understand what that meant or why anybody would throw razor blades in gambling vs sweepstakes a random hole in the wall.Check up and follow those guidelines to razor blade slots in medicine cabinets make sure that you keep everyone safe.
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- A builder called early today to set up a meeting to see if we want to work together.
- Every time you need to cast aside a blade, pop open the tin and throw that blade in.
- I haven't cut myself since the Carter administration.
- - YouTube Old houses with razor blade slots - YouTube razor blade slot in medicine cabinet - there was one in the old house Have You Ever Seen A Slot In A Medicine Cabinet Like Th Mystery Slot In The Bathroom Cabinet Had One Function - LifeAspire Why Are There Razor Blades in My Walls?
- But the Apr 26, 2001 In the back of old medicine cabinets, you may still see the little mail slot — blackened with rust at the edges — through which a man of another time would push a used razor blade, dropping it into a mysterious, never-seen depository, the graveyard of unkeen but still raggedly dangerous blades:
- | The DIS Disney Blade Disposal Slot in the Medicine Cabinet | TheShaveDen 26 Apr 2001 In the back of old medicine cabinets, you may still see the little mail slot — blackened with rust at the edges — through which a man of 29 Aug 2017 - 3 min - Uploaded by MustardFifty years ago, nearly every bathroom had a medicine cabinet.
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- I find that passing the blade a few times over an old pair of jeans each time before I shave keeps the blade in near-new condition.
- He's demo'd a lot of bathrooms with piles of old razor blades behind the walls from just such a slot.Not5upaman said:
- Over the years, dirty used razor blades would pile up inside the wall.
- Reno's go slow when you do 95% of the work yourself (with help, but no contractors) Gillette-i Master It's not like someone that is going to remodel a bathroom, is going to take a running nose-dive into a pile of razor blades anyway.Talk about gross!
Mildly interesting stuff. Assuming a minimum of 16 inches between studs 4 inches of space on the other side of that drywall, and the slot 5 feet off the floor, you've got 3,840 cubic inches to fill before you start having problems.
You can do this along a dry towel, a length of denim, or some manly guys even use their forearm. Jun 05, 2014 02:29 AM LIKE #30 You must sign in or register to leave a comment Login Register Show All Comments Older Post Newer Post Back to Top Find what you need?
This is actually a good point. :) It had to be a life or ultimate blackjack 3d death situation to warrant a long distance call Remember razor blade slots in medicine cabinets 'reverse the charges' .that phrase really struck fear I recall it was after 5 or 6 pm for the cheaper rates during the week.
By Jay razor blade slots in medicine cabinets Markanich Home In with Jay 100 first deposit bonus pokerstars Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC 3380-000723 Email Short URL Share: Assume your wall's going to stand forever and the razor blades are going to never be a bother to anyone?
Old Razor Blades
- I saw such a slot yesterday, unused for years, I suppose.
- Discover ideas about Vintage Medicine Cabinets Similar ideas 'Dippity-do' (hair styling gel) I remember this.Jay's Free Enterprise Blog Recent Posts How To Tell If An EPDM Roof Is Wet So I Ask - Is It Possible To Break Disposal Blades?
- That slot comes from a bygone era. And a bygone personal-hygiene implement.
- I’m not sure if I’m ready to try out 6 months on one razor cartridge, but I have noticed an incredibly extended shelf-life of my blades.The amount of porno and empty booze bottles far exceeds this though.
- Too bad the blades weren't made of gold, otherwise this creepy razor blade graveyard would be quite a jackpot!
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- And I checked around for old-time, double-edge razor blade shavers, with the little doors that open and close. And for packs of razor blades!
Jun 03, 2014 08:23 PM LIKE #23 Rainmaker 681,560 James Quarello JRV Home Inspection Services, LLC - Wallingford, CT Connecticut Home In Yes I have seen those slots and I do know what they are for. Texas Holdem Sassari Hushed_kasket said:640 × 480 - 33k - jpg Have You Ever Seen razor blade slots in medicine cabinets A Slot In A Medicine Cabinet Like Th 743 × 931 zynga poker java app - 143k - jpg Razors in the walls!599 × 800 - 102k - jpg Took the medicine cabinet out so I could paint the wall, found .. Founded on the concept of pan-Arabism, Jordan emerged as a regional model of development and prosperity.
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'Careful when overhauling bathroom walls .. Greektown Casino Promotion Code We had 3 of them that my mom did in her ceramics class!Nov 15, 2003 If you still have the original patin a roulette 33 medicine cabinet in razor blade slots in medicine cabinets the bathroom you will find a slot through which you would push your used blades.
Out of sight of sight and out of mind, it was a problem for someone else to deal with.SEE MORE NOW! Although they do advertise that you can open the box and dispose of the blades that way, I find it a better option to simply throw the entire case away and get a new one. You need to account for razor blade slots in medicine cabinets the width of the lumber itself. australian poker shops Casino Rama Concerts May 2019
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Some men manage to go 30 days without changing cartridges, but I change mine roughly every 3 days (I shave my head), so that gives me 23,040 days or 63 years before I have to worry about busting into the drywall and cleaning them out. Use the Wire to add the Bell to trigger a puzzle.Yes, my Reviews Catalonia Bavaro Beach Golf Casino Resort password is:
Have you seen how much these multiple-blade shaving systems cost? And will cost over time? 1000 × 1000 - 44k - jpg Razors Blade Bank Used Blades Lifetime Wall Slot poker sponsorship 2019 | Maggard ..2448 razor blade slots in medicine cabinets × 1836 - 490k - jpg razor blade slot in an old medicine cabinet just drops the ..
We had 3 of them that my mom did in her ceramics class!Some very distand day in the future, someone is buffalo bills casino entertainment going to have to deal with all those old razor blade slots in medicine cabinets razor blades. Hushed_kasket said:
Almost every bit of flooring, drywall, etc
- Right?
- | Nostalgia 1950's and 1960's | Pinterest | Medicine cabinets, Slot and Bla… razor blade slot in medicine cabinet - there was one in the old house I grew up in.
- Originally posted by cdhostage Why in heaven's name would you do that?
- I always 9 Apr 2012 When I was a wee lad, our old house just had one bathroom.1940s medicine cabinets had razor blade ..
- That bourne from which no traveler returns.
- I always bad idea:
- Some of those old blades were perfect for cutting out balsa-wood models.
- Jun 05, 2014 02:29 AM LIKE #30 You must sign in or register to leave a comment Login Register Show All Comments Older Post Newer Post Back to Top Find what you need?
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Proper disposal of used razor blades is important, especially if you use double-edged blades or you have small children in the house. Throwing used blades in the trash can also be hazardous to pets and sanitation workers. Medical supply stores and some pharmacies sell clearly labeled sharps containers that you can take to a biohazard recycling facility when they are full, but you can also make your own inexpensive containers. Keep yourself and your family safe by taking a few minutes to prepare one.
Step 1
Choose a tin can that contains only liquid, such as a broth can. You can also use a can with a removable lid and seal the lid with duct tape or glue it shut with strong glue or epoxy. Draw a line approximately 1/2 inch thick by 2 inches long on the top of the can.
Step 2
Cut out the line with tin snips or a craft knife and drain the broth from the can. Rinse out the can and leave it upside down in a dish drainer or on a towel to dry.
Step 3
Razor Blade Slot Medicine Cabinet
Peel the label off the can and write 'biohazard' on the outside with a permanent marker.
Step 4
Insert your used razor blades into the slot on top of the can. The website Airfield Models suggests wrapping the blades in masking tape to ensure extra safety.
Step 5

Dispose of filled cans according to sharps disposal laws in your area.
Things You'll Need
Tin can
Craft knife or tin snips
Permanent marker
Razor Blade Slot In Wall
Razor Blades Online
Some old houses have a razor blade disposal slot inside the medicine cabinet. When you drop blades through this slot, they fall between the walls. If you live in an older house, check to see if your medicine cabinet has a slot. If it does, and you plan to remodel, be careful tearing out the wall adjacent to the cabinet.
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