1 hour 22 mins
There are 48.58 miles from Buckley to Grayling in northeast direction and 59 miles (94.95 kilometers) by car, following the M 72 and M 66 route.
Buckley and Grayling are 1 hour 22 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop.
Hanson also founded the Grayling Fish Hatchery in 1914, and contributed real estate in three counties to the State of Michigan for military training, now known as Camp Grayling. Most of the lake is relatively shallow, especially the northern-most parts of the lake, those closest to M-72 Highway.
This is the fastest route from Buckley, MI to Grayling, MI. The halfway point is South Boardman, MI.
Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 7:07 pm.
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Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from Buckley, MI to Grayling, MI:
Grayling Michigan Events
Gas Consumption and Emissions
A car with an MPG of will need 2.73 gallons of gas to cover the route between Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Buckley to Grayling is $7.05.
During the route, an average car will release 53.53 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.
- Average US gas price used for calculation is $2.58 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on January 17, 2020.
- Read more about our CO2 calculation.
Best Hotels In or Near Grayling, MI
Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Grayling, MI? Check out our hotel recommendations:
Halfway Point Between Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI
If you want to meet halfway between Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 44.671951 and -85.239304, or 44º 40' 19.0236' N, 85º 14' 21.4944' W. This location is 29.51 miles away from Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI and it would take approximately 41 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations.
Closest City or Town to Halfway Point
The closest town to the halfway point is South Boardman, MI, situated 29.41 miles from Buckley, MI and 29.6 miles from Grayling, MI. It would take 38 minutes to go from Buckley to South Boardman and 44 minutes to go from Grayling to South Boardman.
Lowest Price Rental Cars in Buckley, MI
Planning on renting a car to go from Buckley, MI to Grayling, MI? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Buckley, MI:
From $14
From $18
From $24
From $28
From $40
Weather in Buckley and Grayling
Mixed precipitation tomorrow through next Friday.
Fri Jan 17 | Sat Jan 18 | Sun Jan 19 | Mon Jan 20 | Tue Jan 21 |
26°10° | 34°22° | 27°20° | 25°18° | 25°16° |
15% | 70% | 42% | 14% | 8% |
7 | 14 | 12 | 8 | 8 |
Mixed precipitation tomorrow through next Friday.
Fri Jan 17 | Sat Jan 18 | Sun Jan 19 | Mon Jan 20 | Tue Jan 21 |
23°7° | 33°20° | 26°15° | 23°14° | 24°11° |
12% | 63% | 40% | 13% | 4% |
6 | 12 | 11 | 9 | 5 |
Distance conversions
Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Buckley, MI and Grayling, MI in this table:
Distance type | Miles | Kilometers | Nautical miles |
Straight line distance | 48.58 mi | 78.18 km | 42.21 nautical mi |
Driving distance | 59 mi | 94.97 km | 51.28 nautical mi |
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Top 8 Motorcycle Roads in North America
Exploring The Old Colony State
9 Emergency Essentials In Your Car
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The nearest major airport is Grayling Army Airfield ( / KGOV).This airport has domestic flights from Grayling, Michigan and is 7 miles from the center of the 49738 zip code.
Another major airport is Cherry Capital Airport (TVC / KTVC), which has domestic flights from Traverse City, Michigan and is 60 miles from 49738.
Search for direct flightsfrom your hometown and find hotels near 49738, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports. You can also browselocal airports if you're a pilot.
International airports near 49738
151 miles: Flint, MI (FNT / KFNT) Bishop International Airport
160 miles: Lansing, MI (LAN / KLAN) Capital Region International Airport
173 miles: Green Bay, WI (GRB / KGRB) Austin Straubel International Airport
174 miles: Grand Rapids, MI (GRR / KGRR) Gerald R. Ford International Airport
224 miles: Detroit, MI (DTW / KDTW) Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport
Note: Some distances are straight-line estimates, click on the link to calculate actual driving distance.
Domestic airports near 49738
7 miles: Grayling, MI (KGOV / GOV) Grayling Army Airfield
60 miles: Traverse City, MI (TVC / KTVC) Cherry Capital Airport
78 miles: Alpena, MI (APN / KAPN) Alpena County Regional Airport
79 miles: Pellston, MI (PLN / KPLN) Pellston Regional Airport of Emmet County
111 miles: Manistee, MI (MBL / KMBL) Manistee County-Blacker Airport
115 miles: Freeland, MI (MBS / KMBS) MBS International Airport
Local airports near 49738
31 miles: Houghton Lake, MI (HTL / KHTL) Roscommon County – Blodgett Memorial Airport
33 miles: Gaylord, MI (GLR / KGLR) Gaylord Regional Airport
33 miles: Gaylord, MI (WIS) Otsego County
36 miles: Boyne Falls, MI (KBFA / BFA) Boyne Mountain Airport
54 miles: Bellaire, MI (ACB / KACB) Antrim County Airport
73 miles: Cadillac, MI (CAD / KCAD) Wexford County Airport
Note: Some distances are straight-line estimates, click on the link to calculate actual driving distance.
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