Wheel of Fortune (often known simply as Wheel) is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin that debuted in 1975. The show features a competition in which contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a giant carnival wheel. The original version of the American game show Wheel of Fortune was created by Merv Griffin and aired on NBC from January 6, 1975 to June 30, 1989. It moved to CBS from July 17, 1989 to January 11, 1991 and back to NBC on January 14, 1991 until September 20, 1991 when it was canceled for good.
The Wheel of Fortune or Rota Fortunae has been a concept and metaphor since ancient times referring to the capricious nature of Fate. Wheel of Fortune may also refer to:
Wheel Of Fortune 1976
- 1Arts, entertainment, and media
- 1.6Television
Arts, entertainment, and media[edit]
- The Wheel of Fortune, 1883 painting by Edward Burne-Jones
- Big Six wheel, a casino game also known as the Wheel of Fortune
- Wheel of Fortune video games, based on the game show franchise
- The Wheel of Fortune (novel), a 1984 novel by the English author Susan Howatch
- The Wheel of Fortune, a 1795 play by the British writer Richard Cumberland
- Wheel of Fortune, an album by Susan Raye
- 'Wheel of Fortune' (1951 song), originally performed by Johnny Hartman
- Wheel of Fortune (horse), a British racehorse
Game shows[edit]
- Wheel of Fortune (American game show) (1975–present), an American game show created by Merv Griffin
- International versions of Wheel of Fortune, based on the American version:
- La Ruota Della Fortuna, Italian game show
- International versions of Wheel of Fortune, based on the American version:
- Wheel of Fortune (1952 game show), a 1952–1953 American game show that aired on CBS that is unrelated to the later 1975 American game show
Wheel Of Fortune Board Game 1975
- 'Wheel of Fortune', series episode of The A-Team (season 4)
- 'The Wheel of Fortune', third episode of the 1965 Doctor Who serial The Crusade
- 'Wheel of Fortune', series episode of The Dead Zone
Wheel Of Fortune 1970
- Wheel of Fortune (house), listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in Kent County, Delaware
- Wheel of Fortune, United States Virgin Islands, a settlement on the island of Saint Croix
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