This page contains Cheats for Final Fantasy 7 organized by sections for PC. This game has 'Role-Playing Console-style RPG' as genre, made by Squaresoft, released on May 31, 1998. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.
- Final Fantasy VII cheats, Tips, and Codes for PSX. In the Battle Square area (at Gold Saucer), when 'slot machine' handicap sequence is playing, rapidly tap the 'Square' button on your.
- Sep 23, 2017 I'm sad there's no slot machine in Gold Saucer. Come on no one liked it as a mechanic for Cait Sith in FF7 but it would have been perfect to bring into GS especially since Cait Sith and the Redbills have been hanging around GS. They could have brokered a deal to get a slot machine in there that was designed by Cait Sith.
At the end of each battle, you will have to stop a slot machine. This has various effects of you, such as stops you using Summon materia, or give you a status change or restore your HP. Whatever changes occur, they will stay for all the battles. When you have the Keystone, try to leave the Gold Saucer to find the ropeway is broken.
- Developer: Squaresoft
- Publisher: Eidos Interactive
- Genre: Role-Playing Console-style RPG
- Release: May 31, 1998
- ESRB: Teen
Bahamnant ZERO Summon Materia details
Walk around after boarding the Shinra No. 26 spaceship on disc two. Your party will be able to go down to the space pod or up the ladder to the right to the huge materia. Go to the huge materia and use the talk button at the tall glass to speak with Cid. He will explain the controls in this part of the game. Talk again at the case and enter the password OK [Keypad Enter], Switch [Keypad Delete], Cancel [Keypad Insert], Cancel [Keypad Insert] to collect the Key Item 'Huge Materia'. After travelling to Cosmo Canyon later in the game, talk to Bugenhagen. He will take your party up to his observatory. Approach to the Blue huge materia and get closer. Your party will receive the Bahamnant ZERO summon materia.
View FMV sequences
Insert any game disc and use Windows Explorer to view the contents of the 'ff7/movies' directory. Click on the files in the directory to view the corresponding FMV sequence.
Quick turn around
When surprised with a back attack, try running away to automatically turn around.
Easy Chocobo races
Hold [Page Down] + [Target] while racing a Chocobo to slowly restore energy.
Teleport with Yuffie
Have at least one saved game file in which you do not have Yuffie recruited. Load that saved game and save near a forest on the overworld map. Go to a non-overworld area, such as Midgar, the cave near the Chocobo Farm, etc. and intentionally lose a battle to end the game. Note: You can also fight Diamond Weapon in the overworld to lose. Load the previously saved game at the overworld. Enter the forest without going into any location that takes you out of the overworld map. When you find the 'Mystery Ninja' (Yuffie) and win the battle, you will find yourself where your last 'Game Over' happened, and not in the empty field you would normally find Yuffie. If the battle you achieved the Game Over a Boss battle, you will have to refight it. However, if it was a random encounter, you will be in the exact location where the battle was triggered. You can use this glitch to keep Aeris in your party past the end of the City of the Ancients sequence. You can also replay any area you like as many times as desired, which is useful in areas normally only seen once. By fighting the Diamond Weapon repeatedly, you can farm experience points and AP.
Easy 'Slots' Achievement Guide
Obtaining this final Limit Break does not require a special Manual. You will automatically recruit Cait Sith into your party during your first visit to the Gold Saucer as part of the storyline. Have Cait Sith get the killing blow on 40 enemies and use its first Limit Break, Dice, eight times.
Easy 'Master Materia' Achievement Guide
That this can only be earned with a 5-star Materia, such as 'All'.
Easy 'Chaos' Achievement Guide
Recruit Vincent beforehand by completing the Nibelheim Mansion sidequest during Part 1. After Cloud regains his senses and you have access to the submarine, dive and search the coasts of the western continents until you find the underwater tunnel. Travel through the tunnel, then surface once at the end. You should be near Nibelheim, in a secluded location with a waterfall. This area can also be reached with a colored Chocobo. Go through the waterfall with Cloud and Vincent in the party. Note: If Vincent is not included, you will hear a voice calling for him. Bring Vincent to the altar and watch the cinematic. Exit, then fight some battles until Vincent kills at least ten enemies. Return to the waterfall and Vincent will find his ultimate Limit Break and his ultimate weapon.
Easy 'All Creation' Achievement Guide
Recruit Yuffie beforehand by raiding the forests on the world map during Part 1. Note: You also may need to complete the Wutai side quest, during which she steals all your Materia, for it to proceed. You can return to Wutai during Part 2 after obtaining the Highwind for a better chance of success. Once there, go to the large tower in the background with Yuffie in your party. If she is not present, you will be denied access. Allow Yuffie to defeat the Boss on each of the five floors. Give Yuffie a healing Materia and a Ribbon to make this easier. You can heal between each fight. The fifth and final Boss turns out to be Yuffie's father, Godo. He has 10,000 HP but is not too difficult to defeat. Beat him and he will drop 'All Creation'. Read the book once Yuffie is ready for it.
Ancient Forest: Enter the without defeating Ultimate Weapon
Get a Mountain Chocobo by breeding a Good and a Great Chocobo and feeding them a Carob Nut. Then, use the Highwind and take your Chocobo to Cosmo Canyon. Once there, use your Mountain Chocobo to get up onto the mountain that has the Ancient Forest on it. Get off your Chocobo and enter the forest. This way. you can get some of the more powerful Materia and weapons early in Disc 2 instead of having to wait until Disc 3.
Ancient Forest: Alternate character revival
After you gain access to the Ancient Forest, there is a way to revive your characters without using a Phoenix Down or a Life Spell. If you have a KO'd character, walk into one of the fly traps and make it swallow you. When it spits you back out, your KO'd character will be revived with 1 HP.
Ff7 Gold Saucer
Bone Village: Dig without paying
Talk to the digging man in front of the house. Choose 'Start digging', and select any treasure. Go to where you want to dig and select 'Done', without calling any men for 100 gil. Ignite the bomb, and press Square (PlayStation version). You will see a man digging, and in the morning you will have the same chance of getting an item as ordering one digger.
Corel: Hidden bird's nest
In Disc 1, when you reach the booth to make the bridge go down to Corel, you will notice walls that look like domes. The first wall with no cracks or damage can be climbed to reach a bird's nest. Cloud will then say something similar to 'Leave it alone' or 'Get the damn treasure'. Choose to get the treasure and you will have to fight a big bird. Once you defeat it, you will receive ten Phoenix Downs.
Corel: Hidden ex-coal miner cave
In Disc 1, you have to take a road to Corel. Once you get the bridge down and able to cross it, there will be a fork in the road. One leads to the rubble in the water, and the other to Corel. Take the road to rubble and keep going. Then, turn right to reach an old man's cave with a tractor inside. There is an Ether, a Potion, and a Tent in this cave, along with an old man.
Cosmo Canyon: Back room of General Store
The General store in Cosmo Canyon has a back room that is roped off when your characters first arrive. Check back after Meteor has been summoned. The rope will be gone, allowing your characters to walk back in the room and get an Elixir, Magic Source, and the 'Full Cure' Materia.
Cosmo Canyon: Hidden picture of Dyne
When Bugenhiagen shows you his conservatory he will talk about Spirit Energy. When it shows the planet, it has Dyne on top of it.
Costa Del A Sol: Buying a villa
Go to Costa Del A Sol in the final Disc or before Disc 3 with at least 300,000 gil. Talk to the person in the upper floor in the first house to the right, with the worlds 'Costa Del A Sol' on it.
Gold Saucer: Time attack mode in snowboarding
Get a good (70+) score on each of the three tracks in the snowboarding game in Gold Saucer. Then, get the yellow balloon to enter time attack mode.
Gold Saucer: Higher battle points
When you win a battle and the slots appear, try to get a bad one. You get more battle points when you select bad items. Before you do this, give the character that is fighting a Ribbon to avoid any status changes such as Poison or Frog.
Gold Saucer: Slot machine prizes
Play the little slot machine in Wonder Square to get one of the following items when you win: 500 GP, 300 GP, 100 GP, 50 GP, 30 GP, 3 GP, 1 GP, Phoenix Down, Potion, Elixir, and Megalixer.
Gold Saucer: Greater chance of Chocobo fight
Go to the Gold Saucer battle arena and have a couple of tries. Exchange your B.P. for Enemy Lure and equip them to the same character who has Chocobo Lure. Go to any of the tracks and you should have a Chocob most of the time.
Gold Saucer: Easy Chocobo race win
Ff7 Gold Saucer Prizes

If you have acquired a Chocobo that can run on mountains (Mountain, Black, or Gold), race with it. While in the race, your Chocobo will never slow down from things that usually affect other Chocobos (for example, the space area at the end of the short course or the underwater area in the long course).
Gold Saucer: Chocobo race with Tifa or Cid
After you have started racing Chocobos, go to the Gold Saucer with Tifa or Cid in your party. After you register for a race, and have chosen whether you wanted to race the short or the long course, Cid or Tifa will appear and ask if they can race. You can either agree or disagree; as it does not affect your race in any way.
Gold Saucer: Easy arm wrestling win
To win the arm wrestling game in Gold Saucer easily, use a controller with an auto-fire feature (PlayStation version). Set the auto-fire to Circle and just hold that button when arm wrestling to win most of the time.
Gold Saucer: Easy points
In Wonder World, near the games, you will find a Mog game with a man next to it. Play the Mog game, feeding him slowly until he is full, and no more than that. Do this twice and you will win the Mog game. It takes awhile, but talk to the man afterwards and he will give you 30 points.
Gold Saucer: Easy GP
When you are in Gold Saucer, listen closely to the background music. When you hear a steady beat, play a game of Super Dunk in Wonder Square. Push and release the button on each beat, and you will always sink it. This can easily earn you a few hundred GP with every game.
Gold Saucer: Defeating Teiho in the Chocobo race
Get a mountain crossing Chocobo (Green) and load it up with the best greens. They can be bought for 5m000 gil at the Chocobo Sage's place. Then, race with it. When you race Teiho on a normal or other Chocobo, when you get toward the finish line, notice how your movement is slowed greatly in the space part of the track. When you race him with the Green Chocobo and get to the space part where he normally zooms past, your movement is not stalled at all. Hold Circle and speed to the finish line to win.
Honeybee Inn: Mini Cait Sith
Go to the Honeybee Inn in Disc 1. Peek in the room with the two old people in it and move the screen all the way over to the hot tub. You will see a mini Cait Sith jumping up and down.
Icicle Island: Chocobo Sage
The Choboco Sage is located on Icicle Island, which is east of the city that you snowboard at.
Junon: Sleeping old man
Directly East of Junon is a small cave that is only accessible using the Highwind or riding on a blue/gold Chocobo. The old man in the cave can tell you how many times your party has fought or escaped. You can also get helpful items from him, but the last two digits in the times you have fought must be the same. For instance, speaking to him after you have fought 699 times may get you the Bolt Ring.
Midgar: Getting back in
Revisit Midgar at any time on disc 3. The man walking around outside the wall will say that he lost his key to sector 5 around the Bone Village. Travel to the Bone Village on the Highwind or Gold Chocobo. Dig for normal treasure, on the top half (upper level) of the site. Keep searching until the key to sector 5 is discovered. The party may now move in and out of Midgar freely.
Midgar: Bonus Shin-Ra building FMV sequence
The first time you enter the Shin-Ra building, bust in after disposing of the guards Go upstairs, but do not take the elevator. Go into the shop in the upper-right corner. Listen to the people in the bottom-left corner. Then, go next to the man and press Circle (PlayStation version). You should see an FMV sequence. Note: This does not work after frightening the couple away.
Nibelheim: Safe combination
The combination to the safe in the old mansion in Nibelheim that contains the key to enter the basement (and get Vincent) is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. Note: Push the button used to talk to people to select each number. After opening the safe and fighting the monster inside, a key to the other part of the mansion and Odin summon materia will be found.
Swamp: Crossing without a Chocobo
To get across the swamp where the Zolom lives without a Chocobo, enter and keep running. If the Zolom is just about to enter a battle with you, save the game. Then reset, and load the saved game. The Zolom will be in a distant corner, giving you a chance to get across without a battle. If not, repeat those steps until you are across.
Winhill: Cow abduction by aliens
When you go to Winhill on Disc 3, exit the town near where the two boys playing tag and the man in yellow are located. It is a small exit besides the flower shop on this screen. You should be on a dirt path. Follow the path until you see the rock formation slightly below the top left corner of the screen. Then, walk onto the right side corner and a battle screen will appear. No enemy will be shown, and you are then prompted to attack something. An UFO abducting a cow should fly across the screen.
Status display
The highest number shown on the status menu is 255. However the game will allow items on that screen to be built higher, but will display anything greater than that number.
Quick turn around
When surprised with a back attack, try running away to automatically turn around.
Unlimited Regen
Instead of using Regen, which has a limited time of effect, equip yourself with an item or Materia that absorbs Poison. Make sure that it does not nullify Poison. Then, Poison yourself and you will recover health every turn until the very end of the battle. The best way to use this strategy is to equip the Poison Ring or the combination of the Elemental Materia level 3 with the Poison Materia in your armor.
Super MP Absorb
Get the MP Absorb and Master Summon (W-Summon is suggested) materia. You can do this with any character, but Cloud is recommended. Equip the character you want to absorb MP with MP Absorb (it does not have to be mastered) linked with Master Summon. Enter a battle with this materia equiped and summon Knights Of The Round (two times if you have the W-summon materia). Once the summon is complete you will receive anywhere between 600 and 700 MP. This ability is very useful against the Ruby Weapon and Sephiroth.
Master Materia
To get Master Materia (Magic, Summon, and Command), have every materia of a color mastered. Then, return to Cosmo Canyon. Go to the color of all the materia you mastered. It will exchange all the Master Materia of that color and you will get the mastered materia. Do the same thing to every color to get all Master Materia. Alternately, defeat Emerald Weapon in the ocean off Junon. After you win, go to Kaml. Go to the house to the right. The man there will exchange all three Master Materia.
Getting the Underwater materia
Go to the underwater tunnel by using the elevator in Juno. Equip the Morph materia on someone and fight until encountering the Ghost Ship enemy. Morph it, and the ghost ship will turn into the Guide Book. Give it to the old man in the right-most house in Kalm. He will give you the Underwater materia. This materia eliminate the timer when you fight Emerald weapon.
Summon Materia locations
- Choco Mog: Talk to the Chocobo at the front of the farm and reply 'Waaark'.
- Shiva: At the Junon coast after saving Pricilla.
- Ifrit: On the boat after beating Jenova-BIRTH.
- Ramuh: Lying on the floor in the Chocobo Jockey waiting room.
- Titan: In the wreckage of the Gongaga reactor.
- Odin: Defeat the Lost Number enemy inside the Shinra mansion safe.
- Leviathan: Defeat everyone in the Pagoda in Wutai.
- Kjata: Walk to the second area in the Sleeping Forest and it will be floating around. Wait in the spot where it is first seen, then tap [Action] to take it. Do not use against fire absorbing enemies.
- Alexander: After the snowboarding sequence, find the hot spring and touch it. Then find the area where you leave markers and keep to a straight path. Find the hut there and enter. Leave through the downward facing door. Go right, find the cave and talk to the person inside. Defeat her and the materia will fall from the sky.
- Bahamut: Defeat the red dragon at the Cetra shrine.
- Typhoon: Defeat the Ultimate Weapon a few times until it dies. A crate will remain. Go to the jelly object on top of the mountain and its at the end.
- Neo Bahamut: After Geas cliff; just pick it up.
- Phoenix: Found while collecting the Huge Materia at Mount Condor. After defeating the enemies and the man sends you out to check on the condor egg, it can be found on the ground.
- Hades: On the wreckage in the Gelinka.
- Bahamut ZERO: Collect the four Huge Materia. Store them in the Observatory, then look closely at the blue Huge Materia.
- Knights Of The Round: Found on the island only on the final disc. It is unmarked at the top right of the map, and requires a Gold Chocobo to reach it.
- Ramuh: After you defeat Dyne at Coral Prison, you will go up an elevator and into a room with Chocobo riders. There will be stalls at that location. Press Circle at the very last stall to get the Ramuh materia.
Morphing enemies quickly
Equip the Morph Materia paired with Sneak Attack Materia then Mega All Materia. Your character will automatically Morph the enemies at the beginning of a battle. This trick is very useful when you want to Morph multiple enemies. However, it will only work most, but not all, of the time.
Enemy Skills Guide
- Getting the Bad Breath: Fight the creature after the Icicle Fall, on the left side after equipping the Enemy Skill materia.
- Getting the Big Guard: To get the Big Guard enemy skill (casts Barrier, M-Barrier, and Haste), make sure you have Manipulate (Cait Sith is equipped with it) and Enemy Skill materias. Go to Costa Del Sol's nearby beach. You will find an enemy called Beach Plug. Use the Manipulate on them and make one cast Big Guard on your party.
- Getting the Death Force: Fight the adamataiami on the beach of the west continent.
- Getting the Death Roulette: Equip all party members with the Enemy Skill Materia. Walk around in the spiral part of the Northern Cave encountering a Death Dealer. Manipulate it during the battle and cast death roulette. This will increase the chance of the party member with the best Enemy Skill Materia to get hit with that attack.
- Getting the Death Sentence: Fight the demon riders before the Broken Reactor after equipping the Enemy Skill materia.
- Getting the Dragon Force: Manipulate the Dark Dragons with a master level Manipulate Materia and the Hypnocrown accessory.
- Getting the Flame Thrower: Fight the green dragons at the Broken Reactor after equipping the Enemy Skill materia.
- Getting the Frog Song: Fight the frogs south-east of Cosmo Canyon after equipping the Enemy Skill materia.
- Getting the Goblin Punch: Go to the Goblin Islands and get in a fight with a Goblin. Get it to do the Goblin Punch against a character equipped with the Enemy Skill materia.
- Getting the L5 Death: Fight the Parasite in the crater.
- Getting the Laser: Manipulate the Dark Dragons with a master level Manipulate Materia and the Hypnocrown accessory.
- Getting the Magic Breath: Fight the Stilva in Gaea's Cliff.
- Getting the Magic Hammer: Walk around the Wutai area. You will encounter an enemy called Razor Weed. Manipulate him and use Magic Hammer on the character(s) who have the Enemy Skill Materia on them.
Easy 'Materia Overlord' Achievement or Trophy Guide
Just an important warning: be careful if you farm the 'all' (or other) materia for the achievement of 99kk, since if the space for the materias in the inventory (creating new materias) is filled, the materia 'underwater' will be removed and it cannot be obtained again, missing this achievement. Keep this in mind.
Steam Achievements
To unlock the following, you have to play the game and collect/Earn achievements. You can find those earned achievements in your Game-Main menu or you can view them if you signup at one of the Steam communities.
Unlockable: | How to Unlock: | |
All Creation | Obtain Yuffie's ultimate Limit Break, All Creation. | |
Bahamut ZERO | Obtain the Summon Materia 'Bahamut ZERO'. | |
Battle Square | Start a battle in the Battle Square of Gold Saucer. | |
Beat Rush | Use Tifa's Beat Rush Limit Break. | |
Big Shot | Use Barret's Big Shot Limit Break. | |
Boost Jump | Use Cid's Boost Jump Limit Break. | |
Braver | Use Cloud's Braver Limit Break. | |
Catastrophe | Obtain Barret's ultimate Limit Break, Catastrophe. | |
Chaos | Obtain Vincent's ultimate Limit Break, Chaos. | |
Cosmo Memory | Obtain Red XIII's ultimate Limit Break, Cosmo Memory. | |
Diamond Weapon | Defeat the Diamond Weapon. | |
Dice | Use Cait Sith's Dice Limit Break. | |
Emerald Weapon | Defeat the Emerald Weapon. | |
End of Game | Defeat the final boss, and thusly the game as a whole. | |
End of Part I | Complete the first part of the game. | |
End of Part II | Complete the second part of the game. | |
Final Heaven | Obtain Tifa's ultimate Limit Break, Final Heaven. | |
Galian Beast | Use Vincent's Galian Beast Limit Break. | |
Golden Feather | Obtain a Gold Chocobo through any desired means. | |
Greased Lightning | Use Yuffie's Greased Lightning Limit Break. | |
Great Gospel | Obtain Aeris's ultimate Limit Break, Great Gospel. | |
Healing Wind | Use Aeris's Healing Wind Limit Break. | |
Highwind | Obtain Cid's ultimate Limit Break, Highwind. | |
Knights of the Round | Obtain the Summon Materia 'Knights of the Round'. | |
Master Materia | Master any single Materia. | |
Master of Gil | Obtain 99,999,999 Gil. | |
Materia Overload | Master every single type of Materia. | |
Omnislash | Obtain Cloud's ultimate Limit Break, Omnislash. | |
Ruby Weapon | Defeat the Ruby Weapon. | |
Sled Fang | Use Red XIII's Sled Fang Limit Break | |
Slots | Obtain Cait Sith's ultimate Limit Break, Slots. | |
Top Level | Get any character to Level 99. | |
Ultimate Weapon | Defeat the Ultimate Weapon. | |
Vincent | Recruit Vincent into your party. | |
Won 1st Battle | Win a battle, your first one. | |
Yuffie | Recruit Yuffie into your party. |
Game Walkthroughs
If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides for this game that can help others leveling up, then please Submit your Cheats and share your insights and experience with other gamers.
Catching your first chocobo at the chocobo ranchI've been trying for hours to catch a chocobo, they just keep running away, i've tried EVERYTHING pls help!!!...
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Final Fantasy 7 - Gameplay Video
- Added on: Dec 17, 2015
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- Costa Del Mar 5, 2016 - 13 min - Uploaded by The Restart CollectiveIt's time for us to go deep into one of the greatest of all time!In a locker on the 64th floor there is a HP Shout, this may be a duplicate as you may already have it, if not it's your last chance.
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- The Rising Sun can only be stolen from the Diamond Weapon , during its attack on Midgar .
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Fort Condor Huge Materia quest; steal from Reno; chest in North Crater Precious Watch 0 0 0 0 x8 x1 - N/A 2.4.Would you also consider the 3rd battery in the Wall Market as a unique 'missable' item since you can hold onto it and still progress in the game? ^^So there is 31 items to duplicate by an enemy.Any other of you guys wanna chime in and offer your thoughts? Move to the middle statue as they move right, then break right as soon as they turn to move left.) Signal the others, slip by the second set of guards to reach the stairs, and head online slots usa free for the next floor.GiNattak Red XIII's / Nanaki's headdresses[ edit ] Weapon A. ff7 four slots item
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For Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board I don't have four slots, or star pendant or an extra all materia I For Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board Four Slots is good for the extra materia slot, but it's obsolete once This section wont fully be completed as I don't plan on covering every single item in the game, You'll have your Star Pendant, All materia and Four Slots. Buster Sword, Gatlin..Take the ramp up to the catwalk and pick up the two POTIONS in the near-right corner.
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I'll just blast through disc 3 and finish the game now without any hesitation about looking out for missables and collecting items. Defense.Check item shop on the second floor for a Pile Bunker and a Master Fist.
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Note that there is no certain order, the first room does not contain the first letter. When all the parts have been installed, open the chest in the stairwell to find KEYCARD 66 and head for the next floor.
(There is another chance to get one of these later) **Must be done before earthquake** A cursed ring can be stolen from a boss battle that occurs here after some story progression. Finger Lakes Casino Free Concerts 2019 The HP Absorb , MP Absorb and Leviathan materia are lost-forevers, seeing that the Wutai Sidequest will become unavailable during disc 2.
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Junon (D2) Hawkeye 61 107% 14 x6 x1 Ranged 12000 Buy: Gaea'sCliff Tifa's Kaiser knuckle 44 110% 13 x8 x1 15000 Find:Poison Ring in a chest in that area too.
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You'll find the missing MIDGAR PARTS in the five remaining chests located in the surrounding rooms. Poker Tournaments Orlando Fl A = Phoenix Down B = Ether C = Cait Sith's Weapon (come back later for) D is a vending machine which you pay 250gil for something.Move gmod tower poker guide to the middle statue as they move right, then break right as soon as they turn to move left.) Signal the others, slip by the second set of guards to reach the stairs, and ff7 four slots item head for the next floor.
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It's possible for every item I'll keep in my inventory but 6 :
- If you don't want me to spoil it don't read the next line if you wanna work out how to get it for yourself.
- If you prefer to 'bust on in,' head next two floors, you'll have the opportunity to acquire a few fantastic items.
- VeghEsther 4 years ago#4 Well with little to no linked slots on this armor I ditched it as soon as you reach Junon onwards so its OK if it got stolen.
- Juli 2017 um 10:31 Uhr Is it possible to get Graviball on disc 3?
- Fort Condor Huge Materia quest; steal from Reno; chest in North Crater Precious Watch 0 0 0 0 x8 x1 - N/A 2.4.
- Offer it to him and open the small chest in the upper hall, and *not* the large one.under Sector8 Drill arm 37 97% 0 x8 x2 3300 Find:
- Then go back the way you came, into the shaft.
- Shinra building Vincent's guns[ edit ] Weapon A.It's Vegh.
- Junon (D2) Kaiser knuckle 44 110% 13 x8 x1 15000 Find:
- Disc 3 Nothing is a lost-forever during disc 3, but one thing may have become if you didn’t manage to collect other lost-forevers:Final Fantasy VII So was the Four Slots any good?
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